Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Swine Flu: A Disease...or Symptom?

I know its been awhile since the last posting. I've been collecting articles but haven't written them up on the blog lately, until I got swept over, like everyone else, with swine flu's media coverage. I felt it was a good topic to fuse the body and mind of this blog.

There are headlines in virtually every major media outlet about the swine flu. From warnings against travel to Mexico, to warnings against traveling to the US, to speculation over stockpiling antibiotics and fear of a widespread pandemic, the headlines are putting this in the spotlight.

NBC recently did a story on the supposed Mexican boy who first harbored the mutated strand of the swine influenza. Check out this interesting excerpt:

"Residents of the boy's hometown of La Gloria complained about "manure lagoons" and swarms of flies from the industrial pig farm -- a facility about 12 miles from the village that is partly owned by Smithfield Foods, the world's largest producers and processor of pork products based in Virginia

The world's largest pork producer and processor? Could this be linked to what I showed my middle school students in last summer's gardening and nutrition class? Although the film is aimed at kids, I encourage you to Enter the Meatrix to get a glimpse of where our meat really comes from.

While reading the latest headlines on today's DemocracyNow, Amy Goodman reported on Smithfield's possible link in this dilemma. So I started asking myself, "Self, what is Smithfield Foods?"

A simple Google search brought up an extremely disturbing article by Rolling Stone magazine about Smithfield Foods, titled "Boss Hog".

"The temperature inside hog houses is often hotter than ninety degrees. The air, saturated almost to the point of precipitation with gases from shit and chemicals, can be lethal to the pigs. Enormous exhaust fans run twenty-four hours a day. The ventilation systems function like the ventilators of terminal patients: If they break down for any length of time, pigs start dying.

From Smithfield's point of view, the problem with this lifestyle is immunological. Taken together, the immobility, poisonous air and terror of confinement badly damage the pigs' immune systems. They become susceptible to infection, and in such dense quarters microbes or parasites or fungi, once established in one pig, will rush spritelike through the whole population. Accordingly, factory pigs are infused with a huge range of antibiotics and vaccines, and are doused with insecticides. Without these compounds -- oxytetracycline, draxxin, ceftiofur, tiamulin -- diseases would likely kill them. Thus factory-farm pigs remain in a state of dying until they're slaughtered. When a pig nearly ready to be slaughtered grows ill, workers sometimes shoot it up with as many drugs as necessary to get it to the slaughterhouse under its own power. As long as the pig remains ambulatory, it can be legally killed and sold as meat.

The drugs Smithfield administers to its pigs, of course, exit its hog houses in pig shit. Industrial pig waste also contains a host of other toxic substances: ammonia, methane, hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide, cyanide, phosphorous, nitrates and heavy metals. In addition, the waste nurses more than 100 microbial pathogens that can cause illness in humans, including salmonella, cryptosporidium, streptocolli and girardia. Each gram of hog shit can contain as much as 100 million fecal coliform bacteria."

Is there a link? Its hard for me to think the extremely detestable conditions these pigs are raised in has nothing to do with the outbreak of swine flu (especially considering one of their factory farms was next to the aforementioned boy's home). The Guardian is reporting that:

"The boy's case earlier this month came amid an outbreak of respiratory illness in the area in which around 400 people requested medical help. The boy was treated in hospital and survived. But two babies from the same village died during the outbreak. Sufferers complained of symptoms including fever, severe cough, and large amounts of phlegm."

but that:

"Based on available recent information, Smithfield has no reason to believe that the virus is in any way connected to its operations in Mexico," it said in a statement. "The company also noted that its joint ventures in Mexico routinely administer influenza virus vaccination to their swine herds and conduct monthly tests for the presence of swine influenza."

On Grist, there is an article that points to industrial agriculture as a diagnosis for the problem, citing a plethora of unsettling facts in the face of Smithfield's statement.

"The public-health scientific community has been sounding the alarm for years about the potential for bio-catastrophe brewing on industrial animal farms. The Graham/Sibergeld paper crystallizes those concerns. I’ll tease out a few key themes.

Untreated manure in lagoons, pointed to by La Gloria residents as a health hazard, can indeed contain flu strains.

Animal biosolids contain a range of pathogens that may include influenza viruses, which can persist for extended periods of time in the absence of specific treatment.

Regulatory regimes, in the U.S. and elsewhere, tend to be lax. Sanitary laws demand the treatment of human sewage; animal waste is a different story:

Apart from some use in animal feeds and aquaculture, poultry and swine wastes are almost entirely managed by land disposal. Pathogens can survive in untreated and land-disposed wastes from food animals for extended periods of time—between two and 12 months for bacteria and between three and six months for viruses. [emphasis mine]

The amount of untreated waste allowed to fester in CAFOs globally is stunning.

The volume of animal wastes is significant, reflecting the considerable expansion of food animal production globally. In the U.S., it is estimated that 238,000 CAFOs produce 314 million metric tons of waste per year, which is 100 times as much biosolids produced by treating human wastewater. Global estimates suggest that 140 million metric tons of poultry litter and 460 million metric tons of swinewaste were produced in 2003, based on data from the Food and Agriculture Organization. [emphasis added]"

That's a lot of shit. And for it to be poorly disposed of raises serious questions about the effect our pork system is having on the planet.

By the way, Smithfield produces one of every 4 pigs in the United States.

We can try to stockpile against the disease, but Smithfield is already pumping drugs into its pigs. Maybe we should heed swine flu as a symptom of a larger problem?

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

5 Cent Refund on Bottled Water

My darlin works for TapIt, an NYC-area organization trying to reduce bottled water intake and increase tap water usage. She just wrote up some great news about a small refund attached to bottles that's been passed in NY. The state is one of many that give you 5 or 10 cents in return for bringing back plastic and glass bottles that have been used and tagged with a refund stamp (see picture from seattlepi.com)

Natasha says many people already collect bottles in NY to cash them in and now we can include used waterbottles in the mix. Although there's plenty more to be done, as she details in the post, this is a step towards reducing our waste.

Enjoy her blog post: NY Bottle Bill Expansion Passes

Monday, April 13, 2009

The Tunnel is Coming! Part 2: Water

And below are awesome links Hanna provided for the Water portion of Tunnel!

Monday, April 6, 2009

The Tunnel is Coming!

For the 4th, or 5th (maybe more?) year in a row, the Tunnel of Oppression will be dropping knowledge at the Grand Ballroom of the Stamp Student Union here at the University of Maryland.

The dates are April 14-16 from 10am-8pm so you have plenty of time to stop by!

Wondering what I'm talking about?  Imagine a tunnel of rooms, with themes ranging from LGBT to media to the drug war to racism and more, interacting with you and personalizing the vibes of oppression that are all around us.  Its intense but well worth a trip.  You can spend minutes to over an hour just absorbing everything that goes on.

Below are some clips I'm posting for visitors to watch because some folks and I are building the Food and Water Oppression room.

Don't worry, these clips are not long movies!  Enjoy these short snippets of food injustice.

Industrial Meat Production:

Industrial Agriculture VS Local, Organic, Family Farms

(Star Wars Spoof on Food)

A History of Food and Where Genetically-Modified Food is Taking Us

Food for People or Profit?

In Defense of Food and Against Nutritionism

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

What a dick! Cheney's Assasination Squad, "War on Terrorism", and 9/11 Truth

The infamous Seymour Hersh does it again.  He's exposed more evil in the government by letting slip some news at a recent university talk that Dick Cheney oversaw an assasination ring that was carried out by special forces.  

He especially noted that those serving were exploited, in the sense that some of them wondered if they were committing what most of us would call murder.  All this in the name of fighting the "war on terror".  

And worse, Sy believes Cheney's left a bunch of goons in Obama's adminstration

Did I mention that the new administration doesn't take kindly to this linguistic contradiction of a "war on terrorism"?  They may say its only a memo, but I haven't heard Obama cite that stupid phrase in his rhetoric.

8 years of death and a loss of our spirit because of this so-called "war".  When are people going to realize terrorism is a SYMPTON, not the DISEASE??  

The thing that boggles me to this day, and probably till I die, is that I don't feel comfortable about September 11, 2001.  How many times have we known that BushCorp was feeding lies to the public?  Where are those WMD again?  "We don't torture"?  I mean, the Pentagon even had their own propaganda program to turn the Fourth Estate into a bullhorn for war.  With that said, how can we even believe the official story about 9/11.  EVERYTHING about this "war on terrorism" is traced back to 9/11.  EVERYTHING has been justified by the events of that day. 

Yet BushCorp resisted a serious inquiry into the events of that fateful day.  When they conceded, they wanted to put the shady Henry Kissinger in charge.  Then they said Bush and Cheney would testify under a load of suspicious circumstances.

Bush and Cheney did not testify before the panel -- they were not under oath and there was to be no recording made of the session nor a stenographer in the room.

The two members of the White House counsel's staff were expected to take notes during the session, and the commission members were also allowed to take handwritten notes.

As The Nation suggested, if there's no record, how can there be any accountability?

You might be thinking, "So you are saying that Bush and Cheney committed 9/11?  Its an inside job?"

And I'll say, "I don't know.  But I know that the official story is full of unanswered questions and anomalies.  And to base a "war" on events we don't fully overstand, well that tastes like stupidity or something sinister.  Personally, I think both..."

And some final bit of truth, the Pentagon had plans to stage terrorist attacks in the USA in order to justify their militaristic, capital-driven campaign against Cuba.  No lie.  Operation Northwoods was no conspiracy theory.  It was a conspiracy, plain and simple.

Don't take what I say for truth.  Same goes for those who claim to be "fair and balanced".  Do your own homework.  Don't live on your knees.  Die on your feet.  The truth hurts, but its the only thing that'll set us free.

"Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery.  None but ourselves can free our minds."
-Bob Nesta Marley